And So It Began…

The official start of Kilimanjaro Training 2011. We chose Mission Peak in Fremont, CA for its steep elevation gain (approximately 2,000’ in 3.5 miles). Lessons learned:

1.    Don’t hike on a school holiday or, if you must, don’t wait until 10:45
2.    Don’t wear jeans. If it’s cold out, suck it up and wear hiking shorts.
3.    Go buy long hiking pants.

The start of this hike was socked in with fog and we weren’t certain that we would find sunlight at the summit. After doing my best Marty Feldman impersonation, slogging uphill hunched over and listing to the left, we cleared the fog line and Bev pulled me to the top. It was cold and windy at the top, preventing us from staying there any longer than it took to snap a few photos and head back down to warmth.

Post hike food: sandwiches at Mission Coffee Roasting Company in Fremont, near Oholone College.