A Few Words

Sheryl and Laura Summit Mt. Whitney (14,497’)

You know that adage “a picture is worth a thousand words”? It sure applies to this one, saved from the archives of our good friend and fellow trekker, Steve. If you’ve read the earlier posts chronicling the trek up Whitney and my sister’s journey, you know that a few of those “thousand words” would be pain, nausea, and let’s get the hell out of here without falling to our deaths. But given sufficient time, the body heals itself and the mind slowly shifts all memory of the reasons you wanted to “get the hell out”, leaving a more prominent and permanent place for words like proud, self-confident, inspirational, adventuresome, hard-earned, and super cool. Good words for all of us.

2 Replies to “A Few Words”

  1. Greg –
    The words proud, self-confident, inspirational adventuresome, hard-earned and super cool fit all of you who worked to hard to make this “bucket list” trip become a reality. I am so proud of my kids and their partners! I guess I consider all of you my kids now and part of the family — just hard still to believe you all did it!

    Thanks for sharing — I love living vicariously through your wonderful adventures!

    Hugs, Mom

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