Nervous? Who Me?

Bev and I are a week away from tying the knot, getting hitched, taking the plunge, and vowing to stick together even when we can no longer run, bike, hike, climb, kayak, swim, paddle board, bungee jump, skydive, or rappel. Friends have asked if I’m nervous, which strikes me as a funny question to ask someone who doesn’t think twice about throwing himself off a 140’ bridge, tethered only by a springy rope. Let’s face it – if I wasn’t nervous about walking backwards down the outside of a 40-story hotel in San Francisco’s Union Square, marrying my best friend and soulmate isn’t going to rattle me.

Some of the guests are looking equally at ease about the whole thing. Our friend Bodie held his own dress rehearsal, appearing confident and relaxed. Note the bow tie.



4 Replies to “Nervous? Who Me?”

  1. I can’t like your post either, but I do like it. I have always said you have to marry your best friend to really make it work. I wish you lots of happy, loving, liking years together.

  2. I’m trying to “like” the post, but it’s not letting me. Well perhaps that’s because I LOVE the post. We can’t wait to be a part of your special day when you wed your best friend and soul mate. The way you are doing (a trail run!) it is definitely a reflection of both of you and that’s awesome. Here’s to more adventures as you work your way through your bucket list as HUSBAND AND WIFE!

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